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VEP-A00-1P VESDA-E Active Air Aspiration High Sensitive Smoke Detector

Product Code: VEP-A00-1P
  • 1 Pipe Outlet
  • 130m Pipe Length
  • Number of Holes (A/B/C): 30/40/45
  • 1000m2 Protected Area
  • EN 54-20 Vds Approved
  • IP40 Protection Class

  • VEP-A00-1P VESDA-E Active Air Aspiration High Sensitive Smoke Detector

VESDA VEP series smoke detectors offer the latest and most advanced detection technology to provide very early warning and best nuisance alarm rejection to a wide range of applications. Built on Flair detection technology and many years of application experience, VEP detectors achieve consistent performance throughout their lifetime through absolute calibration. Additionally, VEP offers a number of revolutionary features that provide user value.

